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Aug 21, 20203 min read
A Big Birthday, The Beatles and Bunches of Roses. Coronavirus Update - Day 163 and Counting...
I find that there's nothing like a catchy title to lure you in. Hopefully, my title did exactly that. However, if you tuned in to see...
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Miles Lieblich
Aug 13, 20201 min read
My Pug Drawings! By Miles Lieblich. Coronavirus Update -Day 155 and Counting...
Hi, I am Miles. I am writing a blog. Here are my pug drawings. I hope you like them! This is me telling you about my art. A little...
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Aug 3, 20205 min read
Conquering Desk Anxiety Leads to Pre-Pandemic Flashbacks. Coronavirus Update - Day 145 and Counting.
As a psychology major, I have read and studied about general anxiety, separation anxiety, social anxiety, and conditions such as OCD,...
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Garin Lieblich
Jul 29, 20201 min read
A Guest Post: Norwegian Wood, by Garin. Coronavirus Update - Day 140 and Counting...
Hi. I wrote the title by the way and tried to stick to the title name tradition. So anyway it's Garin, and today I am going to talk...
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Jul 28, 20201 min read
Taco (Salad) Tuesday. A Perfect Summer Dinner! Coronavirus Update - Day 139 and Counting...
We had one of those off days today. Sparing you the details, I am fast forwarding to our late afternoon and evening, when things started...
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Jul 26, 20202 min read
A Little Laughter Goes a Long way These Days. Coronavirus Update - Day 137 and Counting...
Today was a low-key Sunday. I made pancakes for the kids this morning. On the side, I served a big summer fruit salad and a pineapple and...
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Jul 25, 20203 min read
An Ever-Growing Mother-Daughter Bond Over Roses. Coronavirus Update - Day 136 and Counting...
With a second area in our rose garden to tackle, we headed back to Otto and Sons Nursery today, otherwise known as Rose Paradise. It was...
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Jul 24, 20204 min read
Need a fun Escape from Quarantine? Try the Dentist! Coronavirus Update - Day 135 and Counting...
You know you must be in the middle of a pandemic when a trip to the dentist, to have a new crown done, constitutes a fun outing. That was...
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Jul 22, 20202 min read
Miles Hard at Work, Inside and Out! Coronavirus Update - Day 133 and Counting...
Today was a pretty low key day. We worked on workbooks for the three older kids and Kindergarten Gameshow activities with Miles. The...
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Jul 21, 20202 min read
Lost and Found! Coronavirus Update - Day 132 and Counting....
The three little kids surprised me this morning with this initial bracelet. They wrapped it in pretty pink paper (my favorite color) and...
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Jul 19, 20204 min read
Bewitched and Eleanor Rigby. A 1960's Flashback! Coronavirus Update - Day 130 and Counting....
Today was another warm day. We spent much of the morning in the house doing some much-needed (albeit dreaded) cleaning and organizing....
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Jul 18, 20201 min read
Quarantine + Sizzling hot day = Swell Swimming Soiree! Coronavirus Update - Day 129 and Counting...
Miles rocked his swim lesson today! He swam almost the entire length of the pool by himself. He is exceeding everyone's wildest...
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Jul 17, 20202 min read
Which Photo of Graham's Cookies Would you Vote for? Coronavirus Update - Day 128 and Counting....
I told the kids today that I wanted to improve the food photos I put on my blog. The food photos always take a back seat to the ones I...
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Jul 16, 20202 min read
Everything is Coming up Pink Roses! Coronavirus Update - Day 127 and Counting....
Our Flawless floribunda roses arrived yesterday. I walked out and saw them in the driveway in the morning and was overjoyed. Our array...
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Jul 13, 20202 min read
The Ranking of the Roses and Tokyo 2021, Here we Come! Coronavirus Update - Day 124 and Counting...
We had a fun-filled day! The photos below will fill you in our day and all the usual comings and goings at the Lieblich House. Don't...
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Jul 12, 20204 min read
The Board Game Resurrected and a Most Unexpected Outcome. Coronavirus Update - Day 123 and Counting
Being as it was too hot to go outside again today, we had to find a way to occupy ourselves inside for a long day. I summoned the courage...
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Jul 11, 20202 min read
Dog days of summer and a Perfectly Rosy Outing! Coronavirus Update - Day 122 and Counting...
We found a COVID-friendly outing to go on this morning. We headed to Otto and Sons Nursery in Fillmore. They have been in business for...
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Jul 10, 20201 min read
It was a "Musical" Kind of Day! Coronavirus Update - Day 121 and Counting..
Please enjoy our musical day and stay tuned for Garin's Beatles' performance coming soon! Graham playing and singing Forest Drums. ...
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Jul 9, 20203 min read
We're Just Like You. When the Going Gets Tough we Rough it! Coronavirus Update, Day 120 and Counting
Does this photo more closely approximate what your dinner looks like? Rest easy, because despite the pretty blog photos we're just like...
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Jul 7, 20204 min read
CSI: Hidden Hills. A Missing Remote and Humble Pie for Dessert. CV Update - Day 118 and Counting...
Why is it that it is always the youngest or the oldest child that seems get blamed for everything? Of course, you have to have a middle...
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