The three little kids surprised me this morning with this initial bracelet. They wrapped it in pretty pink paper (my favorite color) and presented it to me with their names on it. I wore it all day, even to Costco!

Graham making homemade Banana and Zucchini Breads this morning.
The finished products. Four loaves in total. Impressive for a novice baker.

Miles and Graham social distancing and watching the plumber fix our broken garbage disposal. No one would admit to losing the metal measuring spoon that he found jammed and virtually hidden inside. Back in working order - $250 later!

Miles snapped this shot of Fitzy on my phone using some sort of special feature. Pretty artsy for a five-year-old.

The tooth finally came loose tonight, right before dinner. Apparently, Catherine, who has lost a multitude of teeth already, persuaded Graham to twist and pull it out,. At least she didn't yank it out with pliers!

The little tiny tooth that caused so much chaos.

New York steak grilled medium-rare on the barbecue.

Grated zucchini sautéed with olive oil, butter, salt and pepper. Simple but so delicious.

Oven-roasted potatoes with fresh chopped chives.

I spent way too much time staring at my Tournament of Roses bush today.

Our Beverly Eleganza is bringing me much joy as well. Our Queen Elizabeth bush started showing its beautiful flowers today. Catherine and I can't wait to check it in the morning. The blooms change from hour-to-hour. It is so incredible to watch.

The tooth was lost for about an hour after dinner. Graham put it in small plastic bag which he carried around (apparently not tightly sealed) and lost it. There were many tears shed and much mayhem in the house trying to find it. Miles was the hero who found it on the Family Room carpet. It was a miracle since the carpet is huge and the same color as the tooth. Graham is holding his Tooth Fairy pillow here that Lucy had made for the kids, when Garin was a baby. Hopefully the tooth will stay there, in the pocket of the pillow, safely and securely until the fairy arrives tonight.

The boys did a group hug after the missing tooth was located. Everyone was joyous!

The tiger Catherine painted for Miles in art class this evening.