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Which Photo of Graham's Cookies Would you Vote for? Coronavirus Update - Day 128 and Counting....

I told the kids today that I wanted to improve the food photos I put on my blog. The food photos always take a back seat to the ones I take of the kids because I am usually rushing to get dinner on the table while quickly trying to snap a photo of what I'm serving, with four ravenous kids chomping at the bit.

I look at other blogs (mostly food blogs) and feel food photo envy. I can do that!  I have a background in food styling and am not a bad photographer, what's my excuse?

Today I was reminiscing about my days of professional food styling. I enjoyed it almost as much as preparing the food. I was telling the kids how much time it entailed to photograph just one dish. I had studio lighting, a vast array of props (gorgeous plates, napkins, and the kind) at my disposal and a professional photographer to make sure everything was just so. Those were the days.

Now I am cooking the food, trying to manage four hungry (and sometimes hangry) kids while still trying to capture gorgeous photos of my food for the blog. I don't want a riot on my hands, nor to serve cold food, so it's a balancing act.  

I may not be able to take perfect photos of all my dishes that would be worthy of a cover shot on Bon Appetit, but I can certainly try. I love challenges. 

Garin got on the computer and researched the topic for me, as he is so good at doing. He found a website called with a lot of good suggestions. We played around with a few of the techniques using Graham's cookies. We had a lot of fun! 

Please weigh in and let us know which of the three photos you like best by leaving a comment below. Garin and Graham would be thrilled to hear from you!

Graham made homemade Oatmeal and Pecan Cookies today.

He did most of it himself, with a little chopping help from Miles and a few pointers from me.

Each cookie was scooped perfectly.

Fresh out and warm of the oven. Graham gave each of us a sample and they were perfectly baked and utterly divine.

Photo #1 - White plate, colored ramikins with blurred photos of oats and pecans. This is Garin's favorite.

Photo #2 - White plate and glass of milk to go with cookies, rather than ramekins. This was Catherine's idea so of course it's her favorite.

Photo #3 - Colorful plate, coordinating with ramekins. Ingredients not blurred out. I think this is my favorite becuase of the pop of color on the plate.

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