Disclaimer: For those of you hoping for a Trump victory tomorrow, you might want to stop reading here.
I have made it a somewhat unspoken rule that I don't discuss politics on this blog. It's not that I don't discuss politics at all, as my like-minded friends can attest to, but only with a select group of trusted confidantes. Unlike my mother, I tend more toward the noncontroversial. I don't like alienating people, in general. It's not my style. My mom, on the other hand, just spoke her mind, about virtually everything, without much worry about what others would think. I didn't consider that to be one of her more admirable qualities if I am being honest. But now that she is gone, I am slowly starting to appreciate her, well, vociferous nature.
Her outspokenness was never more evident than when it came to politics, as those of you who were friends with her on Facebook, can attest. She was feisty, opinionated, and unabashed about her views. Today, on the eve of the most important election in our history and in honor of Caryl (the most dogged Democrat and Dodger fan I know) I am throwing caution to the wind. I am dedicating this blog to her and two of her favorite subjects: Politics and Baseball.
So here is the thing, Mom. We are counting on you tomorrow. Although your wish to have the first woman president didn't come true in 2016, I have faith that your wish to have a change in the current administration can (okay, that is so much more politically correct than she would ever say it). But we need your help. We need all the Angel Democrats up there (led by the formidable RBG, of course) to shine down upon us tomorrow. Can you do that for us?
The fact that you left this earth right before the election and the glorious World Series victory for the Dodgers last week, is downright unfair. But I know, wherever you are, that you are reveling in that incredible win last week for your beloved baseball team. I also know that you will be doing a victory lap (now that you have shed that much-dreaded wheelchair) when your party takes back the highest office in this land and in doing so, restores civility, stability, and a lost sense of pride to our beleaguered country. As much as I wish you could be here to witness this historic event, I know that you are watching from where you are (and much more comfortably, I have no doubt). You wouldn't miss these two events for anything in this world, or any other world, for that matter. Because of you and your faith in what was right and just, I am hopeful, on this election eve, that you and I will be celebrating together, if not tomorrow than very soon. Nothing would make me happier than a win for your party (our party) and the indeterminable joy that would bring you.
So stay close, stay tuned, and get ready to celebrate. And please don't forget that victory lap with the notorious RGB when this is over. Undoubtedly, you two have become fast friends in heaven.

I found this photo of Mom today on her iPad, which inspired me to write this post. It was taken on October 1, 2016. Look closely, it's not a MAGA cap, rather a Hilary cap!