On May 22, Miles' baseball team, the Cardinals defeated their opponents, the Diamondbacks, Twenty to Thirteen. The game was well-attended and very exciting! Nerves ran high for players and fans alike. The Diamondbacks gave us a run for our money, but ultimately, the Cardinals prevailed.
Players, parents, grandparents, and friends were over the moon as they clinched the win and the championship victory. The game was tense, but so exciting!
As a new baseball family, we couldn't have been more fortunate this season. The congenial team and coaches would have been enough, but to go on to win the championship was icing on the cake. I can't recall being that elated in a long time. You would have thought I made the winning hit myself. Like that could ever happen!

The stands on our side were filled to the brim. But many spectators (aka parents) were too nervous to sit down but rather chose to pace the entirety of the game. That would include yours truly.
The winning moment!
Pure, unadulterated joy!

Lucky Bunny was in attendance, adorning my mom's favorite Dodger's cap, for good measure. Our lucky charms paid off (along with some great baseball playing, of course).
We all floated off the field that evening. As we left, Miles simply said, "It's like Field of Dreams Mommy." It sure is.

A few weeks later, on a lovely late spring evening, we had the awards ceremony in a local park. It was a joyous evening for this truly magical team.

Since the Cardinals never lost their #1 standing for the entire season, they were awarded both championship rings and trophies!
A great time was had by all with plenty of delicious pizza and custom-decorated baseball donuts.
Coach David gave a long and heartfelt speech to the entire team, followed by individual speeches he had thoughtfully prepared for each of the players as he handed them their trophies and rings. He was able to capture the essence of each play's strengths and victories throughout the season, bringing tears to my eyes.
We are so excited for the next season, which will start in September.
In the meantime, stay tuned for some travel blog posts, as we've just arrived in Frankfurt Germany this morning for a six week adventure through Europe.