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Homeschooling Returning Soon! Is Anyone Looking for Teachers? Covid-19 Update - Day 125 and Counting

Writer's picture:  Jana Jana

I had a lot on my plate today. It's not that I don't always have a lot on my plate, but somedays are worse than others. Today was one of those days.

I asked (well, more like begged) the kids to stay on track today, to help me out. We had many online classes booked (Garin even took Latin at 7:30 this morning and loved it), so between those and their workbooks, I was hoping there would be enough to keep them occupied while I put out all my fires. But then there was Miles.

He doesn't much like online classes. He sits through them for a few minutes but then gets bored and walks away. He can't do any workbooks, like the other kids because he cannot read yet, nor write very well, for that matter. Keeping him busy almost always involves the kids or me being with him. We have to play or coerce him into doing educational activities, which he almost always resists. It's tricky to navigate since he is still not old enough to be independent for very long.

Now that it seems inevitable I will be their school teacher in the "Fall" (that would be in about 5 weeks), panic has set in for me. I don't want them starting the next school year even more behind than they already may be. I have no idea how much attrition there was in those months they were off, but I assume quite a bit, from all the articles I have read. It is deeply upsetting and worrisome to me, as it is to millions of other parents in this country.

Given that, I am trying to focus a lot on educational endeavors this summer. I asked each of the kids today to take turns being Miles' "teacher" and they did. I had to do some selling to get them to agree, but eventually, they did. In the end, I was so proud of them. Each took on a different skill and/or activity and worked with him. It helped me out so much and I think they all felt proud about how they had helped me and him. It's amazing to see how helpful and empathetic kids can be when the going gets tough. What a blessing these little souls are in our lives.

Graham worked with Miles on his letters. He taught Miles had to write all of our names, including our last name and Fitzy's name as well. Graham's letters are on the left and Miles' on the right.

Catherine and Miles chose to play alphabet Go Fish. Miles loves this game, so this was probably his preferred activity. They had fun and hopefully Miles learned a little too.

Garin took on the big project of Kindergarten Game Show. He is always the one that does this with Miles. He is so animated and makes it such fun for Miles. They have gotten up to Level 6 already!

Miles got 100%. Look, all his cards are in the "correct tray." They were both so excited to show me.

We had a lot of online classes today. Catherine did a great reading class while Graham did this Under the Sea class. Miles and Garin joined him for some of it. During this portion of the class, the Marine Biology professor, who was teaching it, was dissecting a squid. Gross! Graham didn't think so.

I brought out the Lobster Gummy Chewy's as a snack for the Under the Sea class. They thought that was dandy.

Garin, Graham, and Miles took an Essentials of Dog Training Class sponsored by Fitzy participated in this class too. They tried to train Fitzy until they realized that it's had to teach and old dog new tricks. Nonetheless, fun was had by all.

The teacher of the dog training class and her dog Rossie, who is 10, just like Fitzy. Maybe there is hope yet, for Fitzy!

Graham getting off his first penpal letter. In typical Graham-fashion, he printed out special stationary that he found on Pinterest.

Miles made this beautiful flower just for me. He knew I was having a tough day and wanted to cheer me up. So sweet.

Catherine painted this sweet monkey for Miles in her art class this afternoon. She surprised him with it when she got home.

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