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  • Writer's picture Jana

Coronavirus Update - Day 24 and Counting

We had a nice, but busy Sunday. I took my morning walk and had a chance to catch up with my dear friend Carla, who lives up north. We have been friends for close to 20 years and our conversations are always like the first one we ever had - like we have known each other forever. We don't get to speak very often, but that never matters. We pick right back up where we left off, without missing a beat. My morning walks and talks have been amazing. If I haven't reached you yet, your phone will be ringing one of these mornings very soon. I arrived back just in time for the kids' virtual Sunday school with Miss Diane. It so so sweet to overhear them taking about what they were grateful for (Mommy, good food, their friends, etc.). After that we immediately jumped back on the computer for Catherine's weekly speech therapy. By noon, we were outside riding bikes, scooters and motorized cars. I worked on my blog and website and attended our weekly church parish town hall meeting, all from the comfort of the front steps of my house. Weird, but becoming more normal as each week passes. I enjoy our weekly town hall meetings because I get to hear how everybody else is fairing in these circumstances. I love to hear people's stories and tips, not to mention getting a tiny peek inside everyones' home. I found out that Gabri, our Vicar, bakes homemade sourdough bread, which I never knew. Apparently he is the only one in his house that doesn't avoid carbs, so he is feeding the excess to the birds in his yard. God amI envious of those birds! During our meeting, there was another wonderful parishioner who was sewing face masks to donate, while we spoke. From time-to-time, she would forget to hit the mute button, at which point I could see the puzzled looks on everyones' faces as they tried to figure out what the loud noise was. Yet another parishioner was offering to give harp lessons via Skype and said she even had an extra harp to loan out, should someone need one. We also spent some time discussing the best resources (Surfas online and King Arthur, apparently) to get those elusive bags of flour that everyone is coveting. Just a few weeks ago, I never could have imagined that I would be viewing the inside of the homes of nearly everyone I have ever met, thanks to Zoom; discussing the best place to buy flour during an online church meeting or having my daughter's teacher buy us toilet paper at 6 in the morning. Things have gotten so strange, that they don't even seem strange anymore. Garin and I spent the better part of the afternoon working out the final bugs on both my websites. What would I do without my I.T. wizard? Speaking of being grateful! We had a lovely dinner and dessert after which time I headed out to Ralphs (at 8 PM) to shop, in the pouring rain. Okay, never in my life, pre-Covid 19, would I head out to a grocery store, in the pouring rain, on a Sunday night to buy groceries. I entrusted the "littles" with Garin for an hour (and he did a great job watching them for me), while I raced over there and back. My strategy paid off. Between the time of night and the rain, the place was basically empty. The shelves were not fully stocked, to say the least, but I was able to get about 75% of what I wanted and I'll take that! I didn't have to wait out front in line for an hour to get in, nor be maneuvering my cart around to stay 6 feet away from a store full of shoppers, so it was worth it! I returned home, unpacked only the cold stuff, scrubbed myself and my belongs down with hand sanitizer, alcohol, soap and hot water. Just another regular day in a pandemic. Stay safe and be well!

Miles playing good old fashioned "collect the leaves" in the backyard. No doubt the gardener will be thrilled when he comes this week to see how much less work he has.

Graham dressed for "virtual" church today. Only Graham.......

Collecting our first batch of spring roses in the front yard, while Catheirne peer on, from inside.

Trimming the roses and getting them ready to put out.

Now it really looks like Easter in our kitchen!

Miles is making letters out of everything now. All that homeschooling is finally paying off.

Planes, trains and automobiles...out getting some much-needed fresh air and enjoying the day.

You gotta love a Lady on her scooter.

Miles, the madman, behind the wheel of the Caddy. He is literally fearless, but I am not. I keep warning them that a trip to the ER is no longer an option.

Catherine and Graham helping out by organizing schools supplies and work for this coming week.

Lo Mein Noodles with Toasted Sesame Oil and Mixed Veggies (a great use for all those frozen veggies we all stocked up on in preparation for the lockdown).

Asian-Marinated Chicken Grilled on the Barbie.

A little trip to Asia tonight for dinner without having to leave the house or order takeout.

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