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An Emotional Trip to School and Unexpected Gift From Graham. Coronavirus Update- Day 84 and Counting

Writer's picture:  Jana Jana

Need I say more? Those of you who follow my blog know how I feel about heat. I don't do anything over 85, which is why I am still asking myself what possessed me to move to the West Valley? Well, what's done is done, but these hot days are just miserable for me.

Extreme heat makes me feel like if it was supposed to be a good day, it is less so, and if it is a bad day, it is much worse

This morning we had to go to Garin's school to do end-of-the-year stuff, such as cleaning out his locker, returning library books, etc. It was a quick trip, but very emotional for him. He has missed school so much that being there again, for the first time since lockdown, was very sad for him.

When we got home, it was just one long day of desk work for me and school work for the kids. Garin is in finals mode, if there was such a thing for 12-year-olds. He missed so much work that he is having to cram all day every day to try to get as much of it in as possible. I have to check in with him with what feels like every five minutes to make sure he is doing the work and staying on track. Mostly because of that, I felt tired, overwhelmed, and hot today. It was 100 degrees! Oh, that's right, I've mentioned that at least twice.

I think because I keep hearing rumblings that school will not return in August, I am feeling genuinely worried. These have been some of the most challenging months of my life. The thought that after 10 or so weeks of a hot summer, without camp, that we might be right back to where we are now, is more than I can comprehend.

Some days I just feel like I am living in a nightmare that I can't wake up from. The school portion of this COVID-19/Pandemic/Lockdown/Quarantine nightmare is so challenging and frustrating that I don't know how I will do this again, come August if need be.

In hindsight, I can now see that many of the problems, especially with Garin, have stemmed from my inability to keep up with all this. There are four of them and one of me. That is not going to change and the numbers just don't work. I am indefatigable, and yet even that has not been enough to rise to this occasion. I cannot work any harder, sacrifice any more of myself nor sleep any less. I am giving one hundred percent of myself seven days a week and yet I am not even coming close to meeting the challenges and obligations on all fronts. If only someone could guarantee me that they would be returning to school at the end of summer, I think I could white-knuckle it until then. Without that assurance, I struggle greatly.

All any of us can do is take this one day at a time. For me, that means getting through the end of this unprecedented school year. From there I have to figure out what this unprecedented summer will look like. That will bring me to August and school restarting, in some form. I am going to bury my head in the sand for now and do everything in my power not to think about what that might hold.

It was only 85 or 90 when I captured these shots of Miles in the backyard, around 10 this morning.

When I returned home from my walk, I found him dressed like this like a living doll, thanks to Catherine.

Garin's first trip back to school since the sudden departure on March 13th.

All the kids, staff and teaches were in masks. It was an eerie sight.

Miles joined us, so that he wouldn't get in trouble at home.

Somehow we ended up with school-issued lunches from the cafeteria, as we left Garin's school (long story). When I got home, the kids were over-the-moon with their "take out" and seemed to enjoy it more than the gourmet lunches I fix them. Go figure...

Garin continuing to work away on his integers. Twenty-four hours later, he now has an honorary PH.d and could teach them in a university setting. You know where to find us if you need a tutor!

His extra-credit integer project that he made, called an "Integer Flyer." He had such fun making it. That's my Garin!

This was the view from my desk. I had to work today, so the classroom came with me into my office/living room. I should have thought of this months ago! So nice to be in a different room.

Graham helping me prepare dinner.

Catherine and Miles cooling off from the heat. Garin eventually left his integers behind and joined them, around 6, to do some laps for PE, which he is also woefully behind in.

Miles helping to empty the dishwasher and put the silver-wear away. God bless him!

Sweet Russian Cabbage Soup. It was delicious, but I have no idea what I was thinking, making soup in the sweltering heat?

Our usual refreshing garden salad.

Graham surprised me after dinner with homemade ice cream he had made for me this afternoon while I was slaving away at my desk. He got the recipe from Mrs. Anstead's What's For Lunch Wednesday Zoom meeting today.

How sweet and thoughtful can anyone be?

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