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Writer's picture Jana

After an Orwellian Eighteen Months, the Kids Finally Return to School, Full-Time.

Updated: Aug 22, 2021

On Wednesday, the kids returned to school, full-time, for the first time since Friday, March 13, 2020. That's 523 days, to be exact. But who's counting?

Parents and kids alike have long been awaiting this day. There were many days, at least for me, when it felt like this day may never come. Yet when it finally arrived, it didn't feel at all like a year and a half had gone by. The passage of time can be so strange sometimes, cant it?

As excited as we all are to return to some sense of normalcy, there are still adjustments that need to be made in our lives, since it's been so long since we've been in the routine of attending school in person for a full day. For example, the kids haven't had to be up this early in the morning since, well, we took a 7 AM flight to New York in June and had to be up at 4 AM to make the flight on time. But that doesn't count. since It was only one day. When I went in their rooms to awaken them at 6:15 (it was still fairly dark out) on the first day of school, I was met with some bleary-eyed children. I am predicting that this new rising-with-the-roosters schedule is going to take some adjustment.

Exhaustion aside, they all had a great first day at school and were so excited to be back in person with their friends and classmates. The twin's have a male teacher this year, the only one in their school, which they are so excited about. Mr. Hees is "so funny and cool" was consensus. Garin has 7 periods, instead of 6 (allowing him to take two electives, Spanish and Robotics, rather than one). They are all wearing masks and having to adhere to strict Covid protocol, but that's the new normal, so it's okay. We are just so happy to be back.

Later in the afternoon, when they returned home, I got to listen to all the tales of their first day back. I heard about which familiar faces were in their classes again and which were not. Catherine lost her longtime crush, Dillon V., to another teacher, but gained Dylan G in his place, whom she doesn't seem share the same fondness. Miles was reunited with a sweet little girl named Aria, who had professed her love to Miles at the age of 4 when they attended preschool together. They are now in class together once again. Garin, who didn't fair well in distance learning, is over-the-moon to be back to school in person. He is like a new person.

As a mom living through a pandemic with four school-aged children, I am on pins and needles a bit with the virus, since only one of my four kids qualified to be vaccinated. However I am remaining optimistic that the kids will stay healthy and in school. That's all I can do.

One day at a time....

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